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Logos Quiz Level 14 logo answer

Welcome to Logos Quiz answers page. This answers page was created for Logos Quiz game by "AticoD" the most popular logo guessing game in the world. More than 34 million downloads around the world and ranked number #1 in more than 30 countries! In the form below select your level and we will show you the answer :)

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Answer: saucony

Hint 1: The company is a popular racing shoe producer, making track spikes and cross country racing flats. S _ _ _ _ _ Y also makes shoes for specific track and field athletics events

Hint 2: The company's first factory was founded in 1898 at Kutztown, Pennsylvania, on the high banks of the Saucony Creek

Hint 3: American manufacturer of athletic shoes. The company is a subsidiary of Wolverine World Wide

Hint 4: __MCH__New Balance,Brooks,Saucony__MCH__


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