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Logos Quiz Level 14 logo answer

Welcome to Logos Quiz answers page. This answers page was created for Logos Quiz game by "AticoD" the most popular logo guessing game in the world. More than 34 million downloads around the world and ranked number #1 in more than 30 countries! In the form below select your level and we will show you the answer :)

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Answer: cafe de colombia

Hint 1: Denomination given to a 100% washed Arabica coffee produced in the coffee growing regions of Colombia

Hint 2: Coffee produced between the North altitude 1° to 11°15, Longitude West 72° to 78° and specific ranges of altitude that can surpass the 2.000 meters above the sea level

Hint 3: __MCH__Starbucks,Nescafe,Cafe de Colombia__MCH__

Hint 4: Juan Valdez is a fictional character who has appeared in advertisements for the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia since 1958, representing the Colombian coffee farmer


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