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Logos Quiz Level 13 logo answer

Welcome to Logos Quiz answers page. This answers page was created for Logos Quiz game by "AticoD" the most popular logo guessing game in the world. More than 34 million downloads around the world and ranked number #1 in more than 30 countries! In the form below select your level and we will show you the answer :)

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Answer: little tikes

Hint 1: The company was established by Thomas G. Murdough Jr. in 1969 in Aurora, Ohio and was acquired by Rubbermaid in 1984

Hint 2: L _ T T _ E T _ K _ S' products are mostly low-tech molded plastic toys aimed primarily at infants and young children, for indoor and outdoor use, including its party kitchen and turtle sandbox

Hint 3: American-based manufacturer of children's toys, with headquarters and manufacturing located in Hudson, Ohio


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