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Logos Quiz Level 11 logo answer

Welcome to Logos Quiz answers page. This answers page was created for Logos Quiz game by "AticoD" the most popular logo guessing game in the world. More than 34 million downloads around the world and ranked number #1 in more than 30 countries! In the form below select your level and we will show you the answer :)

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Answer: axe

Hint 1: Unilever were unable to use the name A _ E in the United Kingdom and Ireland due to trademark problems so it was launched as Lynx

Hint 2: It is a brand of male grooming products, owned by the British–Dutch company Unilever and marketed towards the young male demographic

Hint 3: Was launched in France in 1983 by Unilever. It was inspired by another of Unilever's brands, Impulse


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